Russell Ruminations

Wednesday 10 January 2007

A Tooth at Last!

So Matthew finally has his first tooth. Daddy decided to look into Matthew's mouth this morning as he woke with the reddest cheeks you ever did see. Matthew (being a boy) refused to co-operate so Daddy went to work none the wiser as to wether he had ineed produced a tooth overnight. I don't know wether it was Mummy's touch or just Matthew feeling more co-operative once he'd had his breakfast, but he smiled at me and there it was, an itsy bitsy little thing that you could easily miss but it is definately there. And there you have it; Matthew has a tooth. Nothing remarkable you might think and being the 3rd child I have obviously been there and done it all before but nothing prepares you for that sense of pride when your little one produces his or her 1st tooth. Why is that so?

As a mother of 3 children I have heard the words "is he (or she) teething?" far too often. Is the baby slightly grizzly? Must be teething. Does he have red cheeks? Must be teething. Did he not finish his food? Must be teething. Did he wake in the night? Must be teething. You get the picture. Now I may be slow but despite having been through it all twice before Matthew I have to confess that I still do not even know what this "teething" thing is all about. How do I know if he is teething? He doesn't tell me!! The only thing I know is when the tooth appears. I have no idea if he is crying because of teeth or if his cheeks are red because of teeth. I can only guess and soothe him the best way I can. So there you have it. My confession for today. I have 3 children and to everyone who has said to me in the past "he must be teething" I confess that whilst I may have agreed with you, the truth is I have no idea. But now he has a tooth and no doubt more will follow.


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